Tuesday, October 28, 2008

YouTube Video Link

Here is the YouTube link to my music video Unleash the Beast.

I'm back


I'm back after a very long absence.

I completed that music video and they actually showed it during the H.P. Lovecraft F.F. as part of their secret screening that they show at the end of the film festival.

It was kind of I shock to me when I introduced myself to the person running it, Andrew Migliore, and was called by my pen name, Dungeon Dave:). I work in a restaurant, in the perp room, which is in the basement. It's like a dungeon down there complete with a assortment of weapons of mass construction: knives, gigantic kettles big enough to use as extremely large hot tubs...

When I figure out how to post it onto YouTube, I will post the link.

I have not been exactly idle. I do have a few more stories that I have written and will be uploaded soon too.