AMOTW: part 1 (Intro) - transcript
In case you have trouble decrypting my hieroglyphics, even I have a hard time reading the stuff I write by hand. Here is a transcript of AMOTW: part 1 - Introduction.
PS:If you don't read English. You can also uses this to translate it to your language using Babel fish:)
A Melody on the Wind
By David John Reichen
Part 1 – Introduction
Page 1
A. Title :
“A Melody on the Wind” : Part 1 – Introduction
1. Panel Label :
You have heard the story about what happened during the last Ice Age? There used to be Mega-Mammals and Humans that lived on the North American continent
2. Panel Label :
that disappeared, almost instantly?
This is how it went horridly wrong.
Page 2.
3. Narrative:
"A little man
4. Narrative:
5. Narrative:
all alone."
6. Narrative:
"It's tiny heart has stopped for hours.
Page 3.
7. Narrative:
"Thus he was found, dead, on the wet sand,"
8. Narrative:
"with a music box, in his hand." Speilhur, by Rammstien.*
Label [in music box sub-panel] :
"A Melody on the Wind" by David John Reichen
* The above quote is a rough translation from the original German introduction to the song "Speilhur", by the German rock group Rammstien. They do a lot more songs than just "Do Hast".
Page 4.
9. Panel Label:
American Pre-History 101
The Clovis Point People
Prof Z:
One of the great mysteries of American Pre-History is, what happened to the Clovis Point People.
10. Prof Z:
These Paleolithic people were literally poised to make America a permanent home, when they and all of the things that they depended on to survive just vanish, in what seems like a blink of an eye.
Page 5.
11. Carl:
You mean that, if they hadn't died out, Columbus would have been meeting these guys, instead of the Indians?
12. Prof Z:
The correct term is INDIGENS.
The word is derived from INDIGENIUS, Latin for NATIVE!#*!!
13. Gomez:
Whatever, but if they could take on woolly mammoths, they might not have been as easy for the Conquistadors to push around.
14. Prof Z:
It could have been much more different than that. They might have been the ones to discover Europe, instead.
Page 6.
15. Dannon:
So, any idea what did them in?
16. Prof Z:
There are a couple of theories.
17. Thought Box, Mammoth:
What do I look like?
A pin cushion?
Prof Z:
One theory is that the Mega-Mammals were hunted to extinction but to have this happen everywhere, at the same time, seems unlikely.
Page 7.
18. Prof Z:
A second theory is that the Ice Age just got to cold and everything died off as a result.
19. Prof Z:
Other possible theories are that disease caused the extinctions
20. Prof Z:
or an asteroid crashed to the ground.
21. Prof Z:
No evidence of the last two have been found yet.
22. Gomez:
Gee! It's too bad we can't build a time machine to back in time and find out.*
* Gomez is a Native American, so he is kind of cynical about us of European descent.
Page 8.
23. Panel Label:
Meteor Impact
24. Panel Label:
Over Hunting
25. Panel Label:
26. Panel Label:
Too Cold
B: End of Introduction
End of Part 1: Introduction
PS:If you don't read English. You can also uses this to translate it to your language using Babel fish:)
A Melody on the Wind
By David John Reichen
Part 1 – Introduction
Page 1
A. Title :
“A Melody on the Wind” : Part 1 – Introduction
1. Panel Label :
You have heard the story about what happened during the last Ice Age? There used to be Mega-Mammals and Humans that lived on the North American continent
2. Panel Label :
that disappeared, almost instantly?
This is how it went horridly wrong.
Page 2.
3. Narrative:
"A little man
4. Narrative:
5. Narrative:
all alone."
6. Narrative:
"It's tiny heart has stopped for hours.
Page 3.
7. Narrative:
"Thus he was found, dead, on the wet sand,"
8. Narrative:
"with a music box, in his hand." Speilhur, by Rammstien.*
Label [in music box sub-panel] :
"A Melody on the Wind" by David John Reichen
* The above quote is a rough translation from the original German introduction to the song "Speilhur", by the German rock group Rammstien. They do a lot more songs than just "Do Hast".
Page 4.
9. Panel Label:
American Pre-History 101
The Clovis Point People
Prof Z:
One of the great mysteries of American Pre-History is, what happened to the Clovis Point People.
10. Prof Z:
These Paleolithic people were literally poised to make America a permanent home, when they and all of the things that they depended on to survive just vanish, in what seems like a blink of an eye.
Page 5.
11. Carl:
You mean that, if they hadn't died out, Columbus would have been meeting these guys, instead of the Indians?
12. Prof Z:
The correct term is INDIGENS.
The word is derived from INDIGENIUS, Latin for NATIVE!#*!!
13. Gomez:
Whatever, but if they could take on woolly mammoths, they might not have been as easy for the Conquistadors to push around.
14. Prof Z:
It could have been much more different than that. They might have been the ones to discover Europe, instead.
Page 6.
15. Dannon:
So, any idea what did them in?
16. Prof Z:
There are a couple of theories.
17. Thought Box, Mammoth:
What do I look like?
A pin cushion?
Prof Z:
One theory is that the Mega-Mammals were hunted to extinction but to have this happen everywhere, at the same time, seems unlikely.
Page 7.
18. Prof Z:
A second theory is that the Ice Age just got to cold and everything died off as a result.
19. Prof Z:
Other possible theories are that disease caused the extinctions
20. Prof Z:
or an asteroid crashed to the ground.
21. Prof Z:
No evidence of the last two have been found yet.
22. Gomez:
Gee! It's too bad we can't build a time machine to back in time and find out.*
* Gomez is a Native American, so he is kind of cynical about us of European descent.
Page 8.
23. Panel Label:
Meteor Impact
24. Panel Label:
Over Hunting
25. Panel Label:
26. Panel Label:
Too Cold
B: End of Introduction
End of Part 1: Introduction
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