Thursday, January 13, 2005

Production Notes: Script - Metamorphosis (Verse 2)

The Deep Ones Script

By David Reichen

Verse 2 - Metamorphosis

* Reaching Grab -
"Reaching out they grab your wrists,"

Two of the shapes that the kid finally notices, grab his outstretched hands by the wrists and wrench them behind is back.

* Trigger -
"Trigger changes held dormant."

A hand slaps the kid on the upper arm. As the hand is removed, a welt is shown.

* Fall -
"No More Humanity! You mind is clear of torment."

The kid goes limp in their embrace. They release him and he falls to the ground, on his back. They then step away from the kid.

* Changes -
"Changes made, glued back again. Strands rip apart and recoil."

A virus enters a cell. As the DNA strands separate, chunks of DNA from the virus are swapped into place and then the two strands recombine with the changed sections included.

* The Pain -
"Feel so lame, in such pain, it's like your blood has come to a boil."

You see the kid's face as he grimaces in pain. His face becomes flush, as if with fever.

* enveloped -
"Luring you down to the sea, the sirens sing so longingly."
"Luring you down to the sea, down with the deep one you will be."

The girl, who has been standing clear of the shapes that were surrounding the kid, steps to the kid, places the globe on the kid chest and steps away. The globe flows over the kid, enveloping him in an ethereal glow.

* Goodbye Land -
"Dagon! Is the one that we follow.""Dagon! Unleash the beast.""Dagon! Is the one that we follow.""Dagon! Unleash the beast."

The shapes bend down, turn the kid over, grab the life pod, which is what the globe is. As the shapes stand, it turns out that the areas grabbed are straps that the shapes use to drag the kid to the water. When they reach the water's edge, the girl joins them and then begins to lead them to deeper water. The kid, not being able to resist, slowly sinks under the surface as the shapes follow the girl.

* To Deeper Water -
Bridge between verse two and verse three.

The party moves further into the water, dragging the kid with them. You can see him in the pod, just under the surface.

This is where the video diverges from the original story. The Deep Ones now have the ability to patch up the genetic damage that was caused by inbreeding, crossbreeding and such, which lead to the Innsmouth Look. The change is not instantaneous, so they have to use a lifepod to take the kid with them. These details will be brought up in the short story version.


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